Interviews of actuality of the Schools
Mondō: Good morning, Daniel Roy and Éric Zuliani, presidents of the New Lacanian School and the École de la Cause freudienne. We are here to talk about the current aggiornamento. How are you implementing it in your Schools, who wants to start?
Éric Zuliani: The aggiornamento for the ECF began, I would say, with the examination of the pass after the crisis at the end of 2021, which lasted almost a year. Two things came up, the question of admissions and the question of the concept of the school, which seemed to me to be as important as the issue of the pass. So it is in this knot, in the background, between the revision of the question of the pass in the ECF, the question of admissions and this concept of School, that I have put in parallel, together with the ECF Executive, the work on the pass and the New Youth Policy. This aggiornamento has come like a glove, so to speak. What had been noticed at the time of the pass crisis was the difficulty of linking the Ass and the School. A hypothesis to be verified thus emerges, namely that Lacan’s school is designed to welcome young people. Basically, this is the idea that the ECF’s Executive and Council are working on. The School is also endowed with a teaching campus, where we are going to emphasise, next year, not only subjects that may be of interest to young people, but also introductory courses in psychoanalysis.
Daniel Roy: It must be said that this New Youth Policy is a formidable lever for questioning all the places of the School, all the devices and their uses. In the NLS, the New Youth Policy will be part of the aggiornamento in a decisive way. At the level of the School, we will talk about the reception, the reception of new members of the NLS, who are going to be approved or who were approved this year by the WAP. We have to provide the conditions for them to tell us what they want to do for the School and in the School, there are already things prepared for their participation in the Congress, the Question of the School, to give them the floor at certain times, but that is what we proposed to them, now we are going to take them at their word, we are going to work with them in a space centred on the School.
Translation by Philip Dravers
…a resolute aggiornamento…
Raquel Cors: In the last three years, the School has undergone a decided aggiornamento, it is a restart that began in 2020 and was the effect of an interpretation of the WAP in 2019, when the NEL declared the “inexistence” of the field of the legal Other, that is to say that although there was in the School the subject of desire, which had been an experience of twenty years, we lacked an inscription of the subject of law, our assemblies and permutations had no legal value. So this interpretation mobilised us in such a strong way that the council started to work on writing the statutes and regulations of the School.
Manuel Zlotnik: Regarding the aggiornamento in the EOL (School of the Lacanian Orientation), the Statutory Council is very much involved in everything that involves the creation of the Uruguay delegation. We are also initiating the movement of the creation of new delegations in the different provinces of Argentina, I think it will be an impressive transformation for the EOL. The project proposed to us by Jacques-Alain Miller and Christiane Alberti is that we annex the Oscar Masotta Institute, which was like an intermediary between the Institute and the School in the different provinces throughout the country. The Institute follows a programme of transmission of psychoanalysis and the idea is to transform it into a School as well. So, there is a great desire from all the colleagues from different parts of the country who want to be part of the EOL.
Translation by Philip Dravers
…23 years on, the ELP…
Montserrat Puig: 23 years on, the ELP (Lacanian Psychoanalytic School) deserves to be reviewed very carefully so that we can be sure which institutional structure is the most suitable for the future of Lacanian-oriented psychoanalysis in Spain. The ELP has eight working communities, some of them with several sites, each with its own internal regulations, with its own permutations. So we will have to see in each community what is the best way to relaunch the work of the School. I believe that there is not only the School and its communities, but that the communities are the places where the School actually lives, that is to say that we are going to make a joint movement, one cannot be one without the other. We are going to have to choose some structures and be brave enough to rethink them, some things may feel like a loss, but we hope that it will not be a loss but a relaunch. The secretary of the pass of the WAP communicated on 29 September 2023, at the Extraordinary General Assembly, that a new Regulation of the Pass had been approved, which introduces in particular that the pass is done only once.
Translation by Philip Dravers
…between the One and the multiple…
Maria do Carmo Dias Batista: The question to be “aggiornada” in the EBP (Psychoanalytic Brasilian School), put in the present time, is how the relationship between the One and the multiple is established. This tension between the One and the multiple is established not with a predominance of the One, but with an acceptance of the multiple. In the EBP, the council is working together with the secretary of the pass of the WAP on the organisation of the pass school. The second point is the guarantee commission that is “aggiornamenting”, or bringing up to date, the involvement of the AMSs in the New Youth Policy.
Translation by Philip Dravers
Blog Zadig Cordoba
…take the floor…
Mondō: good morning Gabriela Dargenton; could you explain the initiative that Zadig Cordoba took and the response it got?
The Z.A.D.I.G. knot [nudo also hub] in Cordoba began its work in June 2017 from the decision of Jacques-Alain Miller to found the Network of Political Advocacy in the world. It was an occasion we wanted to take and with his consent and guidance we began the work. The blog “La Patria del sínthoma” was born there, framed in what J.A. Miller called Freudian Field Year Zero.
Today, after the result of the recent elections in Argentina (P.A.S.O), Zadig Córdoba took the initiative to offer the blog as an instrument to link it to the social. We invited people to take the floor one by one, generating a possible space for opinion. There was a social threat with the rise of the Libertarian Party and we counted on Zadig to expose the possible impact. It was not a question of party politics, but that democracy and the very dignity of speech are at risk.
The response exceeded all expectations: more than 120 contributions arrived in 20 days with different perspectives. The Freudian Field in Argentina showed interest, as did other schools of the WAP: Spain, Italy, Geneva. Writers, mathematicians, philosophers, filmmakers, and more joined the whirlwind. The blog received in 10 days 4810 visits, and we have 1045 visitors. This repercussion interprets psychoanalysis as a place in today’s political life, but it also summons us to interpret.
From this great repercussion, Jam’s intervention in the blog – his support to the initiative – and that of the WAP through its president C. Albertí were key to cause the whirlwind and to show how alive psychoanalysis is in its relation to politics. The work continues…
Translation by Philip Dravers