Basically, when a presidency comes to an end, what comes to an end is the perspective that was taken at the beginning: Making School was not about summing up all the Groups. Making School was about finding a few threads to pull from which each one could hang on, from time to time.
The first thread which Patricia and I decided on together, was the pass. The second thread came from the WAP, in other words, paying special attention to the youngest members: those who are not yet present as members, neither as members of a Group nor as members of the NLS, but who are already at the beginning of something. Indeed, when someone begins an analysis, the question of psychoanalysis in intention is there from the start – since they have begun an analysis – but at the same time, from the start, something about the shaping of their practice and the possible sharing of that practice can be put in place. That’s why we came up with the idea of creating a youth space for each Group.
The rules of the pass are new to the NLS, they didn’t exist before, and they’re going to come into effect from July, and that’s going to invigorate the work of intention for each member, and non-members too, who wish to engage in this process.
The Congress – a wonderful title proposed by Jacques-Alain Miller: ‘Clinic of the Gaze’, people say: ‘oh, that’s been done before…’ Not at all! In fact, no, it has opened up new perspectives, and the clinical cases that have been put forward, which we will listen to tomorrow afternoon, are extremely varied and reveal the gaze as a truly powerful real in the clinic, as much as in the practices of artists, etc. There’s a point here that’s been put to work: 600 people, 400 in person, 200 by Zoom who will attend this Congress.
*Outgoing President of the NLS
In fact, what Daniel has just said is that, après-coup, he returns to the initial perspective, which is indeed to make this School exist, which is ultimately plural, 22 Groups, he pointed out, and to arrive by putting the question of the pass at the centre of this ‘Making School’, and so I’m in line with this continuity.
At the Knottings Seminar, to make the question of the pass, the question of the end of analysis exist, we decided to study Jacques-Alain Miller’s work ‘Comment finissent les analyses : Paradoxes de la passe’, so each time we choose a text that we put to work in the Group and both older and younger members are invited to take part in this seminar, and to take an active part in it by producing a piece of work.
Congress: As vice-president, and this is part of my function, I’m in charge of the blog, and in fact, in preparing this event, we also pay particular attention to the English language, since texts are received in English or French, or even translated or not, since there is now DeepL, so we don’t translate everything as we used to, but we have received many texts in English of very high quality which are published.
Yes, one last word on the need to Make School and Make a team, in other words, we were able to count on a truly formidable Executive Committee, extremely active secretaries and a treasurer. And the organisation with the local Irish Society – ICLO – who were very involved in organising the Congress.
*President of the NLS
I think that the question of One for the NLS is interesting because through its different elements such as Societies, Groups and Initiatives, there is always this question of geographical, linguistic and cultural diversity. However, if we think from the point of view of transference, all of these differences become secondary, and we can think of the One of the School from the point of view of transference. The Congress is a good way of thinking about the One of the School. It is, for example the work of the cartels towards the Congress and in the Knottings Seminar.
From my experience of cartel work towards the NLS Congress, I’m thinking of a cartel with Ukrainian colleagues, who wanted to read Seminar XI from the start, and not just the chapters on the gaze object.
What arose as a question was trauma, of the real and if it’s the same trauma that Lacan talks about in Seminar XI as traumatism, and if it’s the same real? Or another cartel where the question of the gaze was worked on using the notion of ‘The Absolute Eye’. So we can see how cartelisands work differently on the same theme of the NLS Congress.
* Part of NLS-East Coordination for theNLS
When we think of the NLS, we think rather of the multiple, and this is what Christiane Alberti once said at one of our Congresses. The multiple of languages, of countries. There are many work communities knotted in the NLS. The question is: what is it that brings members together? I would say – it is analytic discourse, the desire to make analytic discourse exist, which as Daniel Roy said, is a discourse without equal, without equal in relation to other discourses, but also without equal in all its manifestations, depending on the country, depending on the logic that has been developed before. So there are all sorts of variations in the way analytic discourse can manifest.
Concerning the transference to the School for the KRING-NLS, we have several activities linked to the theme of the Congress. For example, there’s the Knottings Seminar, which is a very specific invention that brings to mind a knot between very heterogeneous elements. The Knottings Seminar is an invitation from the local group, to a member of the Executive Committee and also to a member of another Group or Society to give a clinical or theoretical presentation. I found it interesting that this year a great deal of emphasis was placed on the question of the pass.
* Member of NLS/WAP. Co- responsible for the simultaneous sessions ofPipol-12
I want to startwith an anecdote. As I looked through the old notes of different encounters of the NLS, a signifier “Eindruck,” a German word stood out. One could be tempted to translate it in English with impression, butthere is also ‘ein’ which is one, ‘ein’.Then’Eindruck’ is also something that sticks withyou and then it is a trace. Like you can do an ‘Eindruck’ in the sand. So ‘Eindruck’ alsohas ‘druck’ the printing, the printing of letters, written letters. It’s something that is also connected to myown analysis. I want to give some ‘Eindruck’of two words that I also found in the Declaration of the School One,and that were for me connected very intimately with my experience in the NLS: fate and movement.
There is one thing and Icalled it the ethics of enunciation, the ethics – that is an experience that canbe trans-lingual but not trans-ethical and forme this was in many occasions in the NLS, very – the enunciation one by one,so how the place is inventedeach time new for an enunciation, one by one,and I think this is for me the One.
* Member of NLS/WAP. The responsible for the NLS e-Commission, in the Bureau of the NLS Initiative Vienna and for the Espace Jeune in Vienna.
I suppose on the questionof the NLS and One, what immediately occurred tome was the juxtaposition of One and the multiple.To think of the One is to think of the pass and to think of its implementationin the NLS. The multiple is something obvious, since the NLS is dispersedgeographically. It has the official languages of French and English. It is the only Schoolof the WAP that speaks English, which is very important for not only the transmission ofpsychoanalysis to the English-speaking world but also for the places where people do not speak French or languages of the other School. I think that it’s the singularity of the NLS.
Regarding transference – within ICLO, for many years we had worked on the translating of the testimonies of the pass and a couple of years ago, we had a first testimony in English, which really connected back to us. And also, the Congress of the NLS towards which we worked here this year. It has fuelled our desire, put to work our Youth Committee and we have reached more people this year.
*Member of NLS/WAP. Co-director of the NLS Congress 2024 inDublin.