Interviews of actuality of the Schools
Mondō: Good morning EOL Uruguay Delegation . What was it like for all of you this movement of the WAP that makes you part of one of the 7 schools of the WAP and move on to a higher level for the development of the Lacanian orientation in Uruguay?
President of the EOL: On Friday, April 21, Christiane Alberti conveyed to the EOL council her wish regarding a policy of aggiornamento recently communicated by the WAP in relation to the Lacanian Group of Montevideo (GLM). For the implementation of this process until the creation of an effective delegation , the president of the EOL was appointed, assisted by two delegates, Graciela Brodsky and Ricardo Seldes. It is a beginning that included the dimension of haste.
First coordination of the Uruguay Delegation of the EOL: And why be part of the EOL ? Because it is the School with which the members of the GLM already had a lot of transference. The formation and analysis of the majority is done with members of the EOL. This interpretation marks an event: how to make the transition from Group to School? How to start cartelizing ourselves? It was from the registration of the cartels in the School that the question was introduced: what is a School? The dissolution of the GLM is the dissolution of the automaton of the groups, now it will be about cartels. The aggiornamento, as a movement promoted by the WAP, made it possible to include the tyché in this process of admission of a foreign Delegation by the EOL. There was not much doubt and forty-five applications for admission had been submitted as of May 6. They will all be considered one by one .
Mondō: Thank you and congratulations to all.
Translation: Isolda Álvarez